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Keolis Angers recrute au féminin !


Une campagne co-construite avec des conductrices

Pour pallier au manque de candidatures féminines au poste de conducteur, Keolis Angers a co-construit avec 20 conductrices volontaires une campagne de communication grand public. Un bel exemple de la politique emploi Keolis en faveur de la féminisation des métiers du transport en commun. Certaines conductrices ont également participé le 3 mars au Forum pour l’emploi angevin où l’entreprise a rencontré plus de 200 personnes dont 50% de femmes. D’autres ont distribué le 8 mars des flyers en centre-ville pour présenter Keolis Angers et inviter les passantes à participer à la journée du 11 mars. 

Une journée spéciale au Centre technique des transports

Le 11 mars, Keolis Angers proposait aux visiteurs(ses) de découvrir le Centre technique des transports (CTT). Au programme : présentation de l’entreprise par des conductrices, visite des lieux, essais à la conduite de bus et de tramway, explication du processus de recrutement. Une table ronde a complété cette journée. Son thème : les métiers habituellement masculins. 
Avec cette campagne, Keolis Angers a permis de lutter contre l’idée reçue que conduire un bus ou un tramway n’est pas une affaire de femme !

Slideshow - Campagne "recrutement au féminin"à Angers

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<span style="font-weight:normal;">27-03-2017</span> </br> Dans le cadre de la Journée internationale des droits des femmes, Keolis Angers a déployé, du 27 février au 11 mars, une campagne de communication pour inviter les femmes à découvrir le métier de conductrice et les inciter à postuler. Opération réussie !

Fully electric bus in Greater Paris


Zero-emission buses at the heart of residential zones

From May 2017 onwards, Keolis will trial under real conditions a fully electric bus developed by Alstom on line 23 of the Versailles-Vélizy bus network (http://nmpcms-ihm.ctp.prod.canaltp.fr/var/keolis_phebus/storage/original/application/d09ba4198804da5436ff54bc7910a450.pdf). This line connects Versailles Europe to the Vélizy 2 shopping centre. The line is 13km in length and forms part of the Keolis operated Phébus network transporting 1,300 passengers each day. It runs through the heart of residential areas in Vélizy and follows Avenue de Paris which connects the Chateau of Versailles and the town hall. The ‘Aptus’ bus, developed by Alstom ( http://www.alstom.com/press-centre/2017/03/alstom-and-ntl-launch-aptis-a-new-100-electric-experience-of-mobility/), draws on an innovative tram-based design, and “full autonomy” technology to allow the vehicle’s batteries to be recharged at depots overnight.

A study of all aspects of an innovative mobility solution 

An expert in urban transport, Keolis will test the overall performance of Alstom’s electric bus over a one-year period. It will study energy efficiency (energy consumption, recharging, battery, depot recharge processes, etc.) as well as required mechanical and electrical maintenance, the economic modelling of the system and operational costs.

A partnership in sustainable mobility for the Greater Paris region

The trial, a result of the partnership between transport authority, STIF, the municipalities of the Versailles Grand Parc area, and Keolis, falls under the strategy of Grand Paris des Bus and the direction of Valérie Pécresse, President of STIF and the Greater Paris region, to develop a network of “clean” buses. Targets are set for 30% of buses to use clean energy (hybrids, fully electric or Bio-NGV) by 2020, with that target at 100% for the most polluted areas. To achieve this, STIF is working with operators and other industry partners to trial innovative technological solutions that could be rolled out on a large scale in future.

Keolis, supporting energy transition in public transport 

Around the world, Keolis partners with communities to implement transport solutions that respect the environment. Keolis works with local transport authorities to test and implement the most efficient mobility solutions for each community taking into consideration their individual needs. All types of motors and alternate fuel sources are considered including biogas, natural gas for vehicles (NGV), electricity, hybrid technology, and ethanol. The current trial to be undertaken with STIF is a fresh example of Keolis’ efforts to prioritise sustainable mobility.

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<span style="font-weight:normal;">03-28-2017</span> </br> Under this plan, all buses in the most polluted areas of Greater Paris will run on clean energy by 2025. To prepare for this challenge, STIF and Keolis will trial a new type of fully electric bus on the line connecting Versailles and Vélizy.
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Keolis lance une expérimentation d’un bus 100% électrique
en Ile-de-France

Quimper renouvelle sa confiance à Keolis


Des propositions en adéquation avec les ambitions de l’agglomération

Les élus de la communauté d’agglomération Quimper Bretagne Occidentale, qui compte 100 000 habitants sur 14 communes, ont décidé de renouveler leur confiance au Groupe Keolis pour l’exploitation et la maintenance du réseau de transport public, QUB. Opérateur de ce réseau depuis plus de 30 ans, Keolis a su par ses propositions répondre aux attentes de l’agglomération et à ses ambitions territoriales. Le nouveau contrat de délégation de service public, qui débute le 1er avril 2017 pour se terminer le 31 décembre 2023, porte sur la gestion et l’exploitation de la flotte de bus, des véhicules dédiés aux personnes à mobilité réduite, des vélos en libre-service VéloQub et des véhicules suburbains (minicars, monospaces). Il générera un chiffre d’affaires cumulé de 81 millions d’euros.

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véhicules majoritairement des bus fonctionnant au gaz naturel

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100 000
habitants, sur 14 communes

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véhicules dédiés aux personnes à mobilité réduite

Un maillage territorial repensé, une fréquence augmentée

Dans le cadre de la nouvelle délégation de service public, Keolis va repenser le maillage territorial afin de mieux tenir compte des différences de densité de population et d’étendre son offre aux communes excentrées. Le Groupe va également augmenter la fréquence de passage des bus sur les deux axes principaux, qui couvrent plus de la moitié de la population de Quimper, avec des passages toutes les 10 minutes contre 12 minutes auparavant. En parallèle de ces deux projets, Keolis et Quimper Bretagne Occidentale vont mettre en place d’ici juillet 2018 un nouveau réseau pour mieux prendre en compte la hausse de fréquentation urbaine (+14% depuis 2015).

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<span style="font-weight:normal;">31-03-2017</span> </br> Quimper Bretagne Occidentale a renouvelé sa confiance au Groupe Keolis, opérateur depuis plus de 30 ans de son réseau de transport public, QUB. Le nouveau contrat de délégation de service public a pris effet le 1er avril 2017. Il sera l’occasion de repenser le réseau pour répondre aux évolutions et ambitions de l’agglomération.
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Quimper Bretagne Occidentale renouvelle sa confiance à Keolis pour l’exploitation de son réseau de transport public

Keolis CIF montre la voie de la sécurité routière


« Safety first » : la priorité de Keolis passe aussi par ses jeunes passagers

Comme l’ensemble des filiales de Keolis dans le monde, Keolis CIF, qui assure chaque année les déplacements 23 millions de personnes en Ile-de-France, fait de la sécurité la priorité absolue de son activité de transport public. Dans ce cadre, et conformément à la politique sécurité du Groupe, ses équipes mènent des actions de sensibilisation auprès des voyageurs de ses lignes. Les 30 et 31 mars, l’entreprise a ainsi organisé avec la ville du Tremblay-en-France, sur le mythique circuit Carole, un grand forum dédié à la prévention routière auprès des plus jeunes de ses passagers. Plus de 800 élèves du CM2 à la 3ème, répartis sur les deux journées, y ont participé.

Crashs, clics et chocs : un programme complet pour faire passer le message sécurité 

En faisant appel à plusieurs partenaires (pompiers, police, associations, assureurs…), Keolis CIF et la municipalité du Tremblay-en-France ont organisé de nombreux ateliers et démonstrations : exercices sur simulateurs, parcours à thèmes (risques liés à l'alcool ou à la prise de stupéfiants), choc piéton-bus, piste d'essai pour vélos et motos, sensibilisation aux gestes qui sauvent… Parmi les temps forts de chaque journée, les élèves ont pu assister à un crash-test grandeur d’un bus suivi d’un exercice de désincarcération mené par les sapeurs-pompiers. Autant d’animations qui ont permis de sensibiliser les jeunes à leurs propres risques routiers sur le chemin de l’école comme à ceux auxquels ils pourront être confrontés demain comme conducteurs. 

Civisme et transport public aussi au programme

Les équipes de Keolis CIF ont animé plusieurs stands dédiés à la prévention et distribué des flyers sur l’obligation d’attacher sa ceinture dans les cars. Elles ont également profité de la présence des élèves pour leur rappeler certaines règles de savoir-vivre et de savoir-être dans les transports en commun qui contribuent au sentiment de sécurité des passagers à bord. De même, comme le fait Keolis tout au long de l’année à travers l’intervention de des personnels dans de nombreux établissements scolaires, Keolis CIF a pu mieux faire connaître les métiers du transport public auprès de jeunes qui auront demain à décider de leur future orientation professionnelle.

La sécurité est un combat permanant et l’affaire de tous. La prévention doit nous permettre de  préserver les vies et modifier les comportements  des conducteurs peu scrupuleux sur les sujets de la vitesse, alcool, stupéfiants. Les campagnes et actions  de prévention comme celle menée au Tremblay-en-France doivent se multiplier. Le respect de la règlementation et du code de la route sont des fondamentaux incontournables


M. Driss Berroukeche, Responsable Prévention Médiation Keolis CIF

La campagne de sécurité Keolis dans les cars scolaires

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<span style="font-weight:normal;">25-04-2017</span> </br> La sécurité routière, c’est l’affaire de tous, y compris de ceux qui ne prennent pas encore le volant. Keolis CIF, dont les lignes de bus accueillent chaque jour de très nombreux élèves pour se rendre dans leur établissement scolaire ne l’oublie pas. Les 30 et 31 mars 2017, la filiale de Keolis a sensibilisé 800 jeunes de la ville de Tremblay-en-France pour les aider à devenir acteurs de leur sécurité, aujourd’hui… et demain !

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Keolis Orléans gets the green light for 100% electric buses


Two models of electric buses now part of the Tao network fleet

On 9 May 2017, Keolis Orleans and the City of Orléans started trialling two electric buses on the Tao network. The buses are now operating on three major lines transporting over 24,000 passengers each day. Two different models are being trialled, one from the manufacturer BYD, the other from Yuton. Both models are a standard 12m in length with capacity for 30 seated passengers and an additional 50 standing passengers. The two buses have a battery life of around 200km each (the equivalent of a full service on a bus line) and recharge overnight with a minimum of six hours. 

Three objectives for this five-year trial

Keolis Orléans will trial the vehicles over five years under standard operating conditions, in order to assess: 

  • Energy consumption and battery life of buses (air conditioning, passenger numbers, etc.)
  • Maintenance and reliability (vehicles, recharge infrastructure)
  • Passenger comfort

Keolis, a pioneer in sustainable mobility, working hand in hand with cities 

Keolis has for a long time been committed to sustainable public transport solutions and supporting transport authorities in their energy transition plans. In partnership with local governments and vehicle manufacturers, Keolis continues to increase the number of its environmentally-friendly bus trials. This includes those run in Sweden since 2015, in the La Defence business district in Paris and most recently in the Greater Paris region

Energy transition requirements: Keolis planning ahead

In 1995 a law on energy transition introduced new requirements for French public transport authorities when renewing their vehicle fleet, from 2020 onwards. Under this new legislation regions with more than 250,000 inhabitants, which includes Orléans, must ensure that 50% of new buses are low emission vehicles. This  percentage requirement increases to 100% by 2025. To achieve this objective, transport operators have the choice between several vehicle types including electric, fuel-cell, gas and biodiesel hybrid. By opting to trial fully electric buses, Keolis Orléans and Orléans Métropole have selected one of the highest performing options for reducing emission and noise pollution.   

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To prepare for future energy transition requirements affecting transport authorities from 2020, Keolis and the city of Orléans, France, have introduced two fully electric buses to the Tao network.
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A Orléans, Keolis passe au vert avec des bus 100% électriques

A Bordeaux et à Lyon, Keolis récompense la fidélité


EcoMobi, le « bon plan » au service de la mobilité durable 

Depuis novembre 2015, les habitants de l’agglomération de Bordeaux ont une raison supplémentaire de laisser leur voiture au garage, grâce à un programme innovant de fidélité proposé par TBM, le réseau bordelais de transport public exploité depuis 2009 par Keolis. A chaque fois qu’ils empruntent un moyen de déplacement alternatif à la voiture et valident leurs titres de transport - bus, tram, navette fluviale Bat3, vélo V3 en libre-service, covoiturage mais aussi marche à pied ou vélo individuel - ils cumulent des points à échanger contre des cadeaux et des avantages. Baptisé ÉcoMobi, ce programme est le fruit d’un partenariat national entre Keolis et Transway, une start-up nantaise, spécialisée dans la promotion des modes doux de mobilité et les solutions destinées aux villes intelligentes. Depuis le 15 juin 2017, les voyageurs du réseau TCL qui se déplacent dans la métropole lyonnaise en métro, tram, bus ou en funiculaire, bénéficient de TCL Fidélité, un programme similaire également développé avec Transmway.

Des cadeaux au bout des trajets

Pour bénéficier des avantages d’ÉcoMobi et de TCL Fidélité, les voyageurs, abonnés ou non, doivent posséder la carte de transport de leur réseau. La validation de celle-ci leur permet de gagner 10 points à chaque déplacement. Les points qu’ils cumulent sont ensuite échangeables sur le sites ÉcoMobi ou TCL Fidélité contre de nombreux avantages et tarifs réduits proposés par des partenaires locaux une soixantaine de partenaires : places de spectacle, gastronomie, culture, loisirs, services… 

Un programme vertueux… à plus d’un titre

En récompensant les voyageurs, ÉcoMobi et TCL Fidélité renforcent leur satisfaction contribuent et contribue également à lutter contre la fraude dans les réseaux TBM et TCL grâce à la validation des titres de transport. Et tout en valorisant les comportements vertueux des clients utilisant les modes alternatifs à la voiture individuelle permettent aux deux Autorités Organisatrices, Bordeaux Métropole et SYTRAL , il permet à Bordeaux Métropole d’asseoir le réseau TBM comme un partenaire privilégié des acteurs locaux (commerçants, clubs sportifs, espaces culturels…) qui participent au programme. 

Keolis, expert de la fidélité des voyageurs

Ces programmes de fidélité que Keolis proposera à termes dans d’autres réseaux qu’il exploite,  s’inscrivent dans un large dispositif d’outils et d’actions développé par Keolis en partenariat avec les Autorités Organisatrices pour accroître la fréquentation de leurs réseaux de transport collectif. En matière de fidélisation, le Groupe s’efforce de donner de bonnes raisons aux clients de rester le plus longtemps possible utilisateurs des transports publics mais également d’accroitre en valeur leur contribution, en leur proposant de nouvelles offres ou services ou des abonnements de plus longue durée. Trois types d’actions sont ainsi menées : 

  • actions de fidélité émotionnelle : garder le contact à travers une relation régulière (newsletter, mail anniversaire...) 
  • actions de fidélité rationnelle : mise en place de programmes de fidélisation tels que Écomobi pour donner de vraies raisons de rester clients 
  • actions de fidélité liée au contrat : anticipation des moments de rupture, changement d’âge/de statut, anticipation des renouvellements d’abonnement… 
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<span style="font-weight:normal;">23-05-2017</span> </br><span style="font-weight:normal;"> MIS À JOUR LE 07-07-2017</span> </br> En contrepartie de leur fidélité, les voyageurs des réseaux de transport public de Bordeaux et Lyon exploités par Keolis bénéficient de nombreux avantages. Fruit d’un partenariat national entre Keolis et Transway, ce programme innovant de fidélisation permet d’accroître la fréquentation des réseaux, d'encourager la validation des titres de transport et de réduire l’usage de la voiture individuelle.
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A Bordeaux et à Lyon, la mobilité et fidélité peuvent rapporter gros

Keolis launches M-Ticket in Orléans, France.


M-Ticket transforms your smartphone into a digital ticket

The days of queuing at agencies or machines, and rummaging in bags and pockets for public transport tickets are nearing an end. TAO, Orléans’ public transport network, now offers passengers a fully digital ticketing experience with M-Ticket. Using an app downloaded to their smartphone, tickets can be purchased and validated in seconds. The digital tickets can be activated and validated in buses and trams by simply scanning a barcode on-board. This new functionality was developed by Kisio Digital, Keolis’ digital solutions subsidiary, in partnership with Masabi, a world leader in M-Ticket technology, and Voyages-SNCF Technology, a major player in e-commerce in France. As in Montargis, a successful trial of the technology in September 2016 convinced Keolis Orléans Val de Loire to make this innovative software package available to all passengers on its network. 

Plan Book Ticket, Keolis 100% digital ticketing solution is now complete 

With M-Ticket, TAO is the first transport network in a major French city to launch the complete Plan Book Ticket app, Keolis’ all-in-one digital connected mobility solution. This app is the only one of its kind in France, and simplifies transport usage by digitising three key functions: 

  1. The ‘Plan’ function allows passengers to plan their journey and is already available on over 10 Keolis networks in France. The app calculates suggested travel itineraries using all available transport modes (including buses, trams, metros, car, bikes and walking), using real-time timetables, alerts and access points. 
  2. Tickets and travel passes can be reserved and purchased using the ‘Book’ function, an online store connected to network’s own ticketing systems.
  3. Lastly, passengers can validate their ‘Ticket’ from their smartphone, allowing them to do away with traditional tickets and passes with an app that combines NFC and CB2D technologies and that is compatible with different smartphone operating systems.  

A winning innovation

A major driver of the acceleration of digitisation in public transport, M-Ticket offers numerous advantages for passengers, PTAs and transport operators:

  • easier boarding for passengers
  • improved service speed and punctuality
  • reduced peak customer periods and wait times in agencies
  • reduced fare evasion
  • increased network revenue
  • improved appeal for public transport networks among potential new customers.

Leading the way in connected mobility

The launch of M-Ticket in Montargis and Orléans is a successful first step for a mobility solution that will see the development of new, rewarding opportunities for networks. It is estimated that by 2019 over 35 billion digital transport tickets will be used on mobile phone platforms. By offering passengers a simpler way to manage their trip and enriching their passenger experience, Keolis strengthens its position as an industry leader in connected mobility and furthers its lead in digital ticketing in public transport.

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<span style="font-weight:normal;">12-06-2017</span> </br> M-Ticket, Keolis’ digital ticketing solution, has been launched on the TAO network in Orléans, France. This never before seen mobility experience allows passengers to manage all aspects of their journey using their smartphones, from planning their itinerary to purchasing and validating their tickets. The Group is the only transport operator in France to offer this innovative, 100% digital, daily mobility solution.

A Orléans, Keolis prend soin des cyclistes de Vélo+


Vélo’+ modernise et électrise sa flotte de vélos en libre-service

Bonne nouvelle pour les adeptes des déplacements doux qui habitent l’agglomération orléanaise ou viennent la visiter ! Keolis et Cykleo, la filiale du Groupe dédiées aux modes de transport alternatifs, ont renouvelé, la flotte des vélos « Vélo+ ». Ce service offre la possibilité d’emprunter 365 jours par an et 24h/24 un vélo en libre-service en complètement des autres solutions de mobilité du réseau TAO, exploitées par Keolis Orléans pour le compte d’Orléans Métropole. Après avoir circulé depuis dix ans dans les rues de l’agglomération,  les 360 Vélo+ ont ainsi été remplacés par de nouveaux modèles conçus pour résister à un usage intensif et aux petits actes de vandalisme, tout en offrant un confort accru à leurs utilisateurs. Afin de répondre à la demande de ces derniers, la flotte s’enrichira également dès le mois de septembre 2017 de 172 Vélo+à assistance électrique

Retrouvez la vidéo de l’inauguration et la découverte de ces nouveaux vélos sur la page Facebook d’Orléans Métropole

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200 000
Vélo+ empruntés en 2016

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abonnés annuels
au service Vélo+

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+ 10,4%
de souscriptions occasionnelles en 2016

Le vélo électrique en libre-service à la portée de tous, toute l’année

A l’occasion du renouvellement de sa flottre, Vélo+ propose une offre innovante de location longue durée « borne à borne » de vélos à assistance électrique équipés d’un moteur placé sur la roue avant, d’un capteur d’effort et d’un réceptacle à batterie. Amovible et d’une taille équivalente à celle d’un livre de poche, la batterie est louée à l’année par le client pour un tarif de 60 euros seulement.  Après chaque utilisation, il l’emmène avec lui pour la recharger à son domicile (2 heures de temps de chargement) afin de l’utiliser à nouveau lors d’un prochain déplacement. Chaque charge permet de parcourir de 6 à 8 km. Cette offre sera également prochainement déployée par Cykléo à Dijon. 

Vélo + un réseau qui innove en permanence

Pour accompagner son succès croissant tout en renforçant la satisfaction de ses clients, le service Vélo+évolue en permanence. En 2017, plusieurs innovations ont ainsi été réalisées :

  • Modernisation des 34 stations : nouvelles bornes au design plus moderne avec écran tactile  83, terminal de paiement facilitant la location et lecteur de badge compatible technologie NFC pour faciliter la loction
  • Création d’une 35è station mobile supplémentaire de 20 bornes dans un quartier dont la station est très fréquentée
  • Nouvelle application mobile permettant d’enrichir l’expérience digitale des voyageurs : gestion et rechargement de leur abonnement; emprunt d’un vélo à l’aide depuis leur smartphone grâce à la technologie NFC ; liste et carte des stations ; consultation du code cadenas… 
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Dix ans ans après son lancement, « Vélo+ », le service de vélos en libre-service de l’agglomération d’Orléans exploité par Keolis Orléans Val de Loire, s’équipe de nouveaux vélos, enrichit son offre et modernise ses stations. Un seul et unique objectif : optimiser en permanence la satisfaction de ses utilisateurs toujours plus nombreux.

Online collaboration takes a new step at Keolis


Keolis places digitalisation and knowledge management at the heart of its strategy to support its development in challenging new markets, including shared mobility services.

Five years ago, as part of our knowledge management programme we launched KeoShare, an online collaboration tool for employees aimed at promoting and accelerating knowledge-sharing between Keolis subsidiaries in the 16 countries where it is present. 
The online platform helps employees reach out to their peers and benefit from lessons learned and best practices across all areas of the business, including safety, customer services, operations and maintenance.

Upgraded as part of KeoSphere in April 2017 in combination with our intranet, this collaborative, knowledge and information sharing tool has significantly shaped the way Keolis operates.

For example, thanks to KeoSphere, Keolis Norge was able to gain valuable insight from other subsidiaries on how to adapt tram speed in pedestrian areas, based on what had already been safely implemented on their networks.

The KeoSphere platform now optimises the process for collecting, analysing and relaying best practice in maintenance across all transport modes we operate.
This has resulted in cost savings for parts and supply management for Keolis networks around the world.

As a company driven by knowledge-sharing, Keolis is proud to have been nominated European finalist of the Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE). This award recognises organisations that are leaders in transforming business knowledge into added value for stakeholders. The winners are expected to be announced in October 2017. If successful, Keolis would be the first mobility solutions operator to be awarded the MAKE award.

Learn more about knowledge management and online collaboration at Keolis on our Slideshare area.

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08-16-2017<br> At Keolis, the sharing of information and working together across our networks are essential assets in our efforts to meet the needs and expectations of our customers. In order to facilitate knowledge management among the 16 countries where the Group is located, we have created KeoSphere, an internal collaboration tool accessible to all employees.

Rencontres Nationales du Transport Public

Rencontres Nationales du Transport Public
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A l'initiative du GART et de l’UTP, les RNTP permettent de partager les meilleures expériences dans les territoires, confronter les points de vue et découvrir les dernières innovations. Élus, membres des collectivités territoriales, exploitants, industriels, entrepreneurs, chercheurs, institutionnels et journalistes se retrouveront pour bâtir la mobilité de demain.

Retrouvez-nous sur le stand Keolis n°26 pour de nombreuses animations tout au long de ces trois jours consacrés à la mobilité partagée :

  • Démos de notre application PlanBookTicket
  • Démonstration d'un robot
  • Conférence sur les véhicules électriques par Xavier Hubert 
  • Conférence sur le Transport à la Demande Périurbain : comment gérer les faibles flux par Eric Chareyron
  • Conférence sur le Transport sanitaire avec Ronan Coatanea 
  • Conférence sur les véhicules autonomes 
  • Conférence sur Navitia
  • Conférence sur l'Internet industriel

Nos partenaires seront également présents pour présenter leurs activités : Navya, LeCab/Via, Kisio, Connecthings et Keolis Santé.

Par ailleurs, plusieurs intervenants Keolis participeront aux conférences du salon :

  • 10 octobre - 14h30-16h30 : plénière d’ouverture - Retour sur les états généraux de la mobilité durable avec Jean-Pierre Farandou
  • 11 octobre - 11h00-12h30 : Atelier 4 - La mise en oeuvre de la réforme du stationnement à trois mois de son entrée en vigueur avec Frédéric Baverez
  • 11 octobre - 15h45-17h00 : Atelier 8 - Mobilités connectées : état des lieux et perspectives avec Eric Chareyron
Starting date: 
10/10/2017 - 09:00
Ending date: 
12/10/2017 - 14:00
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Women's Forum

Women's Forum
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Le Women’s Forum Global Meeting, ce sont 2 000 personnes réunies autour de conférences abordant les thématiques suivantes : la préservation de notre environnement, les évolutions rendues possibles par la technologie dans les Smart Cities, l’impact des nouvelles technologies sur les entreprises, ou encore les possibilités offertes par un système fnancier dé-mondialisé.
Starting date: 
05/10/2017 - 08:00
Ending date: 
06/10/2017 - 19:00
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Du 9 au 11 octobre, la ville d'Atlanta reçoit le salon APTA, le plus grand salon nord-américain consacré aux transports publics.
Starting date: 
09/10/2017 - 10:30
Ending date: 
11/10/2017 - 16:45
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ITS World Congress

ITS World Congress
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Le salon ITS à Montréal est l’évènement annuel dédié aux systèmes de transports intelligents. Il réunit l'ensemble des acteurs et opérateurs du secteur et présente les innovations mondiales en faveur de la mobilité partagée et durable.
Starting date: 
30/10/2017 - 11:00
Ending date: 
02/11/2017 - 15:00
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Rennes renews its confidence in Keolis until 2024


Keolis renewed as the operator of the STAR network for the next seven years 

Following a competitive tender process, Rennes Metropole announced on 19 October 2017 that it had renewed its contract with Keolis, making it the public transport operator of the region’s 43 communes for the next seven years.   The new public service delegation contract will start on 1 January 2018 and generate cumulative revenue of 960 million euros.  By enhancing existing services and adding new, innovative ones to facilitate everyday mobility, Keolis Rennes and Rennes Metropole, partners since 1998, aim to increase passenger numbers by 36 percent by 2024.  

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millions de voyages
annuels en 2024

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413 000

An enhanced and more attractive everyday mobility offer

The new public service delegation contract demonstrates Rennes Metropole’s desire to transition from a standard public transport offer to a more comprehensive mobility services offer. This reflects the public transport authority’s (PTA) ambition to provide a strong alternative to private cars and change the way everyday mobility is experienced.  The new contract is therefore focused mainly on making new mobility services available to passengers. In addition to the existing metro line, bus and HANDISTAR reduced mobility services already operated by Keolis, the new contract will also include the management of a second metro line, multiple bike-share and rental schemes, and real-time car sharing. There will be an increase in Keolis Rennes employees from 1,000 to 1,150.

A second driverless, automated metro line by 2020

The current metro line, measuring 8.5km and serving 15 stations, manages an average of 310,000 passenger journeys every day and has strongly contributed to an increase in overall network patronage since its launch in 2002.  In order to respond to the growing population of the region, Rennes Metropole wants to add a second metro line measuring 14km, which is expected to be launched in 2020.  With a speed of 37km/h and able to carry 179 passengers per carriage, the line is expected to carry an average of 113,000 passengers per day.  Together, the two lines operated by Keolis will manage 60% of overall passenger traffic on the STAR network.  

A redesigned and optimised bus network, aiming to become fully electric   

A leader in managing integrated networks, Keolis will adapt the routes and service frequency of suburban bus lines to the new metro line. This will considerably strengthen services to outer-suburban areas.  One million additional kilometres will be added to metropolitan bus lines and evening operating times will be extended. 
Keolis will also support Rennes Metropole in its ongoing energy transition objectives, based on its decision to stop purchasing diesel buses in 2015. The new contract will also see the trial of eight fully electric buses (including one articulated bus) and aims to gradually transition to completely electric bus operations by 2020. 

Bicycles, the new star of the Rennes transport network

Rennes Metropole is making bicycles a major part of its sustainable mobility strategy.  The PTA has therefore entrusted Keolis, France’s second largest bike-share operator, with the operation and development of its bike-share scheme, which was previously managed by a separate contract. Keolis will considerably expand the current offer with 700 additional bike-share bikes and 1,800 electric bikes available for yearly rental. These changes will make Rennes Metropole the leading bike rental city in France.  Keolis will also operate the “Maison du vélo”, a customer centre for all bike-related services (e.g. bike rentals, maintenance for personal bikes, etc.) as well as a mobile version of the Maison du vélo, installed inside a converted bus, so that it can move around to local communities.  

Innovative digital solutions to facilitate everyday mobility 

Keolis and Rennes Metropole continue to focus on innovation to better satisfy passengers. STARMobilités, a new mobile app, is planned for release in March 2018. 

The new app brings together all transport information (journey planner in real-time showing all alternative mobility solutions to private driving, passenger information, ticket purchases and pass recharging) with other city-related information such as movie times, weather forecasts, and traffic updates. A car sharing service will also be integrated into the STARMobilités app, allowing drivers and potential passengers to connect based on real-time information.  

And from 2019, a new ticketing system will be introduced.  Building on the technology from the Korrigo multi-service transport card in Brittany, France, the new system in Rennes will reduce fare evasion via the installation of ticket gates for the metro, and the transition from paper to contactless ticketing and new NFC or open payment technology.

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Following Quimper in March 2017 and Caen la Mer in September 2017, Rennes Metropole is the next French city to renew its confidence in Keolis as the operator of its public transport network. As part of this contract’s focus on innovation and energy transition, Keolis will expand its transport offer to provide a strong alternative to private cars in favour of shared, sustainable transport.

Keolis confirms its global leadership in automated metro with a new contract in China


Keolis named the future operator of Pudong International Airport’s automated metro for 20 years 

Shanghai Keolis (http://shkeolis.com/fr), the joint venture created in June 2014 between Shanghai Shentong Metro (51%) and Keolis, was awarded the operating contract for the future automated metro line at Pudong International Airport on 29 September 2017. The 20-year contract consists of an initial 5-year phase which will begin in June 2019, followed by a second contract for the remaining 15 years. The contract confirms Keolis’ success in China, where the Group is currently preparing to launch Shanghai’s first automated metro line, by the end of 2017

Simplifying the increasing number of journeys made by airline passengers

The Shanghai automated metro line is being managed at the same time as the Pudong International Airport extension project, one of the two airports in Shanghai managed by the Shanghai Airport Authority (http://en.shairport.com). The airport hopes to increase its current capacity of 60 million passengers per year to 80 million passengers, by adding two new terminals (S1 and S2). The future metro line managed by Keolis will connect the two new terminals to the two existing terminals (T1 and T2). 

A train every four minutes

With 7.8km of track and running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the new line will transport 250,000 passengers per day. It will be equipped with Communications Based Train Control (CBTC) technology, based on WiFi communication between the vehicle and the computers controlling traffic. By using this technology, the metro will offer passengers higher service frequencies, meaning there will be a train every four minutes during peak periods. 

A train every four minutes

With 7.8km of track and running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the new line will transport 250,000 passengers per day. It will be equipped with Communications Based Train Control (CBTC) technology, based on WiFi communication between the vehicle and the computers controlling traffic. By using this technology, the metro will offer passengers higher service frequencies, meaning there will be a train every four minutes during peak periods. 

Recognition of Keolis’ unique expertise in automated metro

This new contract, key to Keolis’ international development, enhances the Group’s reputation as a world leader in automated metro. Keolis has been a pioneer of automated metro since the launch of the world’s first fully automated metro in Lille, France, in 1983. Today, all mobility players consider this mode of transport vital to the development of the world’s rapidly growing metropolises. In addition to Lille, the Group currently operates automated metros in both Lyon and Rennes, where it is set to launch a second line in 2020. Keolis also operates the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) network in London. Together, these four networks account for more than 450 million passengers per year. 

Keolis pursuing the Asian market with automated metro 

The project also confirms Keolis’ solid integration in Asia. With automated metro expertise gained first in France then in the United Kingdom, the Group was able to win the confidence of local public transport authorities, as evidenced by the two symbolic launches to take place between now and the end of the year 2017. Besides the launch of Line 8 Phase 3 (Pujiang Line) of the Shanghai metro which is expected to carry 73,000 passengers per year, the Group will soon be launching the Hyderabad automated metro in India. Once fully operational, this metro will consist of three lines and will carry an estimated 1.5 million passengers per day. Keolis will therefore be launching its first two automated metro lines in Asia within a few days of each another. However they surely won’t be the last, thanks to the automated metro’s ability to respond to mobility challenges in the continent’s mega-cities. 

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After being awarded the operating contract for Shanghai’s first automated metro line in April 2016, Keolis has now been chosen to operate a second line which will connect all four terminals at Pudong International Airport in Shanghai, starting in 2019. The new contract confirms the Group’s position as a world leader in automated metro and reinforces Keolis’ presence in the Asian mass transit market.

HelloGo, the Keolis multimodal app in the Netherlands


HelloGo, the mobile app simplifying passenger journeys in Utrecht 

In order to simplify everyday mobility in the province of Utrecht, home to 1.2 million inhabitants, Keolis Netherlands, Keolis’ Dutch subsidiary, has launched helloGo, the first all-in-one mobile app available in the country. Using their smartphones, passengers can now plan, buy and validate their ticket using a single app for all modes of transport. The app was developped by Keolis Netherlands (previously Syntus) with the support of 9292, Dutch Railway (NS), Gogido, LeisureKing, MyWheels and taxiboeken.nl. helloGo will eventually be deployed in other cities in the Netherlands as well as in other European countries where Keolis is present.

The best route for everyone, available on your smartphone

helloGo’s innovative nature comes from the fact that it integrates all types of transport available in Utrecht, not only public transport modes. This multimodality allows passengers to optimise and plan their route by bus, train, bike, taxi, rental car and car share. It offers passengers the best possible choice of routes in terms of speed, comfort and eco-friendliness while allowing passengers to search for options according to their personal preferences: public transport, car, least polluting modes of transport, etc. 

Keolis, connected to new passenger expectations    

This is the first time that the three ‘plan’, ‘book’ and ‘validation’ features have been integrated in a single digital app,  covering all modes of transport in the Netherlands. The launch of the app is part of Keolis’ innovation strategy that aims to respond to passenger expectations using connected mobility solutions, such as PlanBookTicket
Conceived by Kisio Digital, Keolis’ digital subsidiary, this all-in-one multi-device solution simplifies the three main parts of a passenger journey and has already been launched in several French cities. In 2017, the Montargis and Orleans networks extended their use of the app to include the buying and validation functions, as part of the M-Ticket solution.Developped by Kisio Digital in partnership with Masabi and Voyages-SNCF Technologies, M-Ticket allows passengers to buy and activate their ticket with just a few clicks on their phones, then validate it by scanning the barcodes on a validator. With PlanBookTicket and now helloGo, Keolis is reinforcing its commitment to satisfy passengers by offering them a more personalised, flexible and smoother form of daily mobility. 

The helloGo app is a great example of Keolis’ digital strategy. Our goal is to simplify everyday mobility by providing the most up-to-date information on available transport modes, and combining them to create a personalised route for each passenger. With this one new mobile app, we are giving passengers the possibility to buy and validate their transport tickets, in a completely digital way.


Laurent Kocher, Executive Director Marketing, Innovation and Services for the Keolis Group
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Following the launch of PlanBookTicket in France, Keolis has launched helloGo in the Netherlands, an all-in-one digital multimodal solution. This is the first time the Netherlands has offered an app covering all modes of transport, allowing passengers to manage all steps of their journey on their smartphones. An innovative tool that confirms the Group’s progress in connected mobility.
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Keolis launches helloGo, the first multimodal app in the Netherlands

Keolis-IVADO : a partnership about Big Data


R&D projects linking mobility and data in countries where Keolis is present

On 31 October, as part of the 2017 Intelligent Transport Systems Congress held in Montreal, Canada, Keolis signed a strategic agreement with the Institute for Data Valorisation (IVADO). 

IVADO was created by HEC Montréal, Polytechnique Montréal and Université de Montréal, and is one of the largest scientific communities dedicated to Big Data on a global scale. The institute, which brings together close to 1,000 affiliated scientists and around 40 academic programmes, is working to develop a new economy based on the analysis of mass data for the benefit of key stakeholders and decision makers. IVADO serves as an important link between academic expertise and the needs of businesses, and develops cutting-edge knowledge in data science, operational research and artificial intelligence. 

The five-year research and development partnership will see Keolis and IVADO work on projects together first in Quebec, Canada, before extending them to other regions where Keolis is present, including France, Europe and the United States.

Smarter mobility tomorrow thanks to mass data

Keolis’ strategic agreement with IVADO is consistent with its innovation policy that aims to address the mobility challenges of tomorrow, and passenger expectations for increasingly personalised services. These challenges have been highlighted by the Group as part of its Keoscopie research and the World Mobility Report. Big Data provides very promising new opportunities for meeting these objectives.

Applied to the public transport sector, Big Data allows an operator to go back in time and process important information generated by a network that was until now incomplete, such as the status of rolling stock, vehicle movements and maintenance activities.

Relevant analysis of this data will give Keolis the ability to better understand the movements of passengers and to optimise its transport services based on demand. The key objective is to develop innovative mobility solutions that create value for passengers and that enable the Group to support cities of the future in their digital transformation of public transport.

Artificial intelligence is the backbone of the mobility transformation. We are very pleased to be collaborating with IVADO and its team of researchers to support the development of innovative urban mobility solutions through the use of Big Data.  This new partnership demonstrates once again Keolis strategy and investment to stay at the forefront of digital mobility to better meet the demands of tomorrow’s cities.


Laurent Kocher, Executive Director Marketing, Innovation and Services for the Keolis Group
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By signing a strategic partnership with IVADO, Keolis will benefit from the expertise of one of the most important global excellence centres dedicated to mass data analysis, to develop innovative urban mobility solutions.
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Keolis signs a strategic partnership to enhance its mobility solutions using Big Data

Keolis’ contract in Amiens, France, renewed until 2023


A new six-year public service delegation contract

On 9 November 2017, Amiens Metropole, made up of 33 communes including the Picardy capital in Northern France, announced it was renewing its trust in Keolis. The Group, which has operated the Ametis network since 1 June 2012, was chosen to continue operating the network as part of a new public service delegation contract starting on 1 January 2018 for a period of six years and four months. The new contract will be signed on 30 November 2017 and will generate a total cumulative revenue of 221.4 million euros. As part of this contract, Keolis has committed to expanding the mobility offer to better serve the community’s 180,000 residents.

A new multimodal offer and four high-frequency bus lines to increase network patronage

Keolis is committed to increasing patronage on the Ametis network by 28% by the end of the contract in mid-2023. To achieve this goal, Keolis Amiens, in partnership with Amiens Metropole, will reorganise the network around four high-frequency bus lines covering a total of 48km in the region.  These four lines will account for 75% of overall passenger traffic. The high-frequency lines will be complemented by regular bus lines and other transport services including car sharing, park and ride facilities and secure bike parking stations. 

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km million travelled each year

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fully electric buses from 2019

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salariés à partir de 2019

Keolis committed to sustainable mobility

Amiens Métropole, certified in 2015 as a ‘positive energy region for green growth’, has major ambitions for its transition to green energy. As a result, from 2019 onwards Keolis will operate 43 new 100% electric buses. These zero emission vehicles will be used on three out of four of the network’s high-frequency bus lines, representing 30% of the network’s total bus fleet. 
In addition, from 1 January 2018 Keolis will take back the management of the Buscyclette bike rental service (previously managed by another operator) in order to better promote mobility solutions that are sustainable and better adapted to local lifestyles. Other than services covering both short and long term bike rental and secure parking facilities, Keolis will coordinate and promote of soft modes via school student campaigns and the introduction of ‘mobility packs’ for businesses. 
The operation and maintenance of bus and bicycle fleets will be provided by a new certified High Environmental Quality centre.  


A digital passenger journey from 2019

In 2019 Keolis Amiens will launch a new ticketing system focused on digitalisation. Thanks to this new solution, passengers will be able to buy their transport ticket online and receive them on their smartphone. They will also be able to opt for ‘open payment’ via bankcard or payment by direct debit, based on actual consumption. More than 50 automated ticketing machines will also be located across the network, to ensure better service quality.

We are thrilled to continue working with Amiens Métropole to help increase the attractiveness of the region by reorganising the existing transport network. Keolis supports Amiens Métropole’s decision to promote renewable energy, and the transition to electric mobility solutions.


Frédéric Baverez, CEO for Keolis France
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Keolis wins contract to operate Greater Besançon’s public transport network

Rennes renews its confidence in Keolis until 2024

Keolis will continue operating Caen’s urban transport network

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Keolis has been the operator of Amiens Metropole’s urban transport network since 2012, and has been chosen to continue network operations for the next six years. During this contract, the Group aims to increase network patronage and promote a sustainable, multimodal offer.

Keolis Brest improves customer experience with robot


A welcoming robot working next to employees in the Bibus customer service centre

From 21 November 2017 and until the end of the year, employees at the Bibus network office, Brest Metropole’s public transport network operated by Keolis, have been working alongside a new colleague, an interactive robot. Known as ‘Heasy’ and measuring 1.55m, the robot welcomes customers and provides excellence service when giving them information about bus and tram timetables, travel itineraries and which transport tickets are best adapted to their needs. 
Thanks to this digital aide, employees can concentrate on more high-value added activities such as advising passengers and ticket sales. 

Algorithms and sensors providing a new passenger experience 

Developped and produced in France by the start-up Hease Robotics  (http://heaserobotics.com), Heasy is the first interactive kiosk robot designed for public spaces (shopping centres, boutiques, train stations, airports, tourism offices, museums, sports centres, etc.).  
The robot, equipped with a bright 19” screen and a tablet to quickly assist customers, also has cameras which allow it to analyse the surrounding environment and avoid obstalces in order to move around. Thanks to a facial recognition algorithm, it is able to detect visitors. Heasy also knows how to find the best position possible in order to interact with the public. 

Heasy launches applications specifically tailored to its location, like in Brest with the Bibus network’s passenger information solutions. Heasy gets its smarts from services based on ‘machine learning’ (or automatic learning) and captures the attention of the public thanks to its personality, playful design and reassuring appearance.  

Hease Robotics: welcoming robots made in France

Hease Robotics is a French robot manufacturer for professional service industries, and especially retail and customer relations. Based in the city of Lyon, the start-up was created in 2016 and now has 13 employees with the aim of taking over 30% of the market by 2019. The Heasy robot, which was presented at CES in Las Vegas in January 2017 and at the RNTP trade show from 10 to 12 October 2017, is its first functional prototype.

Innovating all stages of the passenger journey

Keolis Brest is the first Group subsidiary to trial this innovative, 100% made in France solution, developped and produced by the Lyon-based start-up Hease Robotics. This trial is part of the Group’s innovation strategy which aims to invent the mobility of tomorrow and continue motivating passengers to use shared and sustainable transport. This goal is achieved mainly by the development of new digital solutions which enhance the passenger mobility experience at every stage of their journey, wherever they go: home, the customer service centre or during their journeys.  

As a partner of our Bibus employees, Heasy delivers simple and practical information. This allows our employees to dedicate more time to aiding and assisting our customers. We are proud to launch this trial at Brest Metropole, a community strongly engaged in digital and certified French Tech+.


Cyril Mascé, Marketing Director, Keolis Brest

We are very pleased to have been chosen by Keolis to trial the future of customer relations in our service centre. Our customer service employees are extremely busy and do not always have the time to respond to certain requests. Heasy is able to deliver quality service on its own.


Max Vallet, CEO and co-founder, Hease Robotics
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For more than five weeks, Keolis Brest will be testing ‘Heasy’, a robot that welcomes and informs passengers of the Bibus transport network. Developped by the French start-up Hease Robotics, the innovation improves the customer welcome and advice in the service centre.
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Keolis Brest trials a robot to revamp the customer experience 
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